NHL All-Star Super Pro Hockey for the Intellivision
Product Description
This takes Hockey to the next level! The Super Pro gave you features you so wanted such as one player and larger playing area. All-Star Super Pro delivers everything else you wanted!
Game Play
For one or two player
Updated colors of the players allowing you to see them better. This follows the common Red vs. Blue scheme.
The computer makes you work harder for goals!
Faster action! The men move around the ice much quicker.
Random hitting power. Not every shot is a slap shot.
Follows hockey rules such as going to a face off after a penalty and penalties carrying over to the next period.
Select the amount of time to play per period. Options are 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes.
Go into sudden death if the game ends in a tie!
Controller Changes
There are a few controller changes when compared to Slap Shot - Super Pro Hockey.
After the title screen, select the amount of time to play.
When selecting player type, level selection is available for when selecting computer.
Human players always play at the Super Pro level.
The disc controls the direction the puck is shot regardless of which side of the ice your man is on.
The upper side button shoots the puck, the lower side buttons change which man you control. Keypad contol remains the same.